The characters so far.  There will be more added as nessecary. (the number indicates their number on the soccer team)


#9 LF-- Doug is a very important person at CCI.  He's student council president, captain and QB of the football team.  Doug's personality is fairly calm and collected, and he needs to be to manage all the things he has to do.  Some people might say that Doug is the product of the steotypical Asian parents pushing their child to be the best at the cost of having fun.  Doug has known Dalton and Claire for quite a while considering he went to the same junior school.  Doug spends his summers in Japan with his grandparents, and his girlfriend, who has him wrapped around her little finger.  He is also the captain and coach of the soccer team.

#5 AB-- Dalton, Dalton Dalton.  There's not mcuh I can say about Dalton, except that he is one of the few people at CCI who enjoys coming to school.  This may not be for academic reasons, but nonetheless he rarely misses a day of school.  Dalton lives with his mom and dad and little brother.  Dalton's weakness is girls.  He will make a total ass of himself when he gets the chance and it's totally unintentional.  This is the number one reason Dalton has no girlfriend, although he seems to get along well enough with Claire, it's probably because he's been exposed to her for so long that the effect has worn off.

#7 RM-- Boris is a good friend of Doug's and Dalton's who always has something up his sleeve.  He is the master of the impossible, able to do things that are inhumanly possible as long as no-one is watching.  He also has a tamed mean-streak, which he unleases only on the soccer field.

#1 GK-- Andrei is the wannabe-phychic goaltender of the Chapman soccer team.  He spends most of his time at his computer, and if it wasnt for soccer, he would be a blob of flesh sitting in a desk chair.  Andrei immigrated from Vladivostok, Russia in grade 11.  Andrei spekas good English, even though he claims that he never learned it.


Claire generally represents the voice of reason in the Doug-Dalton-Claire trio.  She has prevented many major catastrophes from occurring (and some minor ones).  She tends to be somewhat cynical and sarcacstic, but that doersnt stop her from being a good friend.

Anne, the mysterious new girl who appeared in school one day and created a small plot twist.  Ahh the new girl.  A most common plot twist for a comic, her personality and motives will be made clear as the story progresses.  What we do know is that she came from Vancouver and moved here this summer.

In short, Alex is a nutbar. plain and simple.  Alex has a tendency of becoming incredibly agressive at the slightest thing.  She also has a mad crush on Dalton, which, unfortunatly doesn't save him from her constant attempted muders.  Otherwise Alex is nice and caring... although not very rational.  (I appologize for the poor pic, I'll change it A.S.A.P.)