


a webcomic by Dave Andrews

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A@TG for Tuesday , July 2 , 2002

First comic  Previous comic   

comics will be in colourif i'm not lazy.rarity.

"My, my, my, how the time must fly when you know you're gonna die by the end of the night"
Catch 22 -- Keasby Nights



05/24/02 -- Vote Dave.
Check it out!  I'm running for class president and i hope to steal enough votes here and there to come up the midle and win this thing!  This is my first campaign poster, so i hope you enjoy.  And if you go to RCI,  make sure you VOTE DAVE 4 PREZ!
05/17/02 -- Leafs win again.  Dave forgets comic.
The Leafs beat Carolina 2-1 last night..  but i got the comic up on Friday.. albeit late.  at least it's up.
05/14/02 -- GO LEAFS GO!!!! TORONTO 3:0 OTTAWA
In honour of the Leafs' 3-0 win over Ottawa in game seven of the conference semi-finals, today's news entry is in, you guessed it, blue.  Unfortunately, i spent my time watching the game instead of doing a comic.  And there may not be a comic on friday either because i may be going on a brief vacation to Point Pelee National Park.  But if i end up staying here, which is starting to look very likely, there will be a comic up.  oh yeah...   GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!
05/12/02 -- Trivia challenge
You can now take the A@TG trivia challenge!  It's pretty neat if i say so myself.  Sorry that the comic is filler, but Rob and I were both busy watching the Leafs.
05/10/02 -- An apology is in order
There's nothing I can say but "I'm sorry".  With the play, multiple ISU's and a case a severe writer's block it's very hard to get comics up.  Rob is suffering from the ame things, so he can't write them either.  The Crucible went really well and I than i had a better time doing it than i thought.  I've been playing a lot of rock music with some friends of mine and i think we sound pretty good!  I've also gone into the school roller hockey tournament, Pat think's our team is gonna bomb, but think we have a good chance of doing well.  Anyway, i'll see what we can do about doing comics more regularly.  TTFN -- Dave
04|17|02 – Guest Comics... Myck Style.
Alas, Dave’s play rehearsal schedule increases.All this week he won’t have any time to draw…So I decided to draw something for you all! But then I got some sense into me and asked my good friend Mykyta “Myck” Pohvalynskyi to do it.Myck is the mastermind behind “Isle & Island”, a comic about European settlers who colonize an undisclosed island in the 15th Century.Or is it 16th Century?In any case, he also does the occasional one panel comic a la “The Far Side” or “Speed Bump” and has wanted to do an A@TG guest comic for a while.Isle & Island premieres on Keenspace soon, so keep an eye out for it, and we’ll be posting a link to it here.Will there be an Anime @ The Gates-Isle & Island crossover?I would answer that question, but you already know the answer.So enjoy today’s comic, brought to you by Myck. -- Rob

04/12/02 -- Back to normal!
It's good to be back!  my account has been screwing up for the last little while, so comics have been hard to put up.  Also im in the last week of practices for the school play, so again my time is limited.  We may see some art a la Rob next week.  Scary eh......  The party pics are up, so check 'em out.
03/29/02 -- Stuff, for lack of a better title.
if you are reading this, there may or may not be a comic up.  if there is, then it is a lovely piece of art by Orest which i recieved for the party. (It's of the lovely Ms. Marchant).  Today was the last day of having our student teachers in.  Which means english will go back to being a joke.  I wish all the best to Ms. Morson and Ms. Abel, the two teachers i had.  Thank you very much for giving us something to do other than sit and listen to Spratt call us schlepps or Mrs. Cook babble on for hours on end. -- Dave
03/27/02 -- Lack of comics
Sorry for their not being a comic on monday, and for not explaining then, but rob's kinda pissed off at me right now so I, Dave am writing.  And yes, this is the re-introduction of Claire! When Rob finishes the new site i'll put up a new character profile.  and im still wrestling with the party pics but now all i have to do is build a section for them.  so wish me luck, and tell rob that he should stop being a baby and get his writin' ass in gear.  -- Dave
03/22/02 -- Good day, but no comic
Well, Rob and i weren't able to come up with a good comic so i give you this little bit of world cup humour.  The party pics should be up monday.  keep reading the news for morte info on the world cup, because we might do a pool or something. -- Dave
03/13/02 -- PARTA@Y
Boo yah!  well here it is, the 1 year comic,  thanks to Myck for helping with the writing.  We had a little gathering of the fans on tuesday and it was quite the little shindig.  I shall have pictures up from the party by thursday.  there are picturesof everyone except for me, ironically enough....  oh well..  Some bad news though, there may not be a comic up for friday due to the fact that i will be out of town. andif there is a comic up, it will prolly just be art to appease the fans or some fanart or something.  Also, Rob is supposedly almost done the new site, it's pretty bare-bones but it's going to get better.  Thanks for reading it's been an INCREDIBLE year.  -- Dave
03/11/02 -- 1 year anniversary
Next comic will be the one year anniversary comic.  I'm having a bit of a shindig to commemorate it.  I'll have pictures up from the party for sure.  The on year comic will be unvieled at the party and shown here on wednesday.  -- Dave
03/06/02 -- Transition
Sorry about the delay in getting up the comic, with the topic of transition in mind, the transition of one day to another drew too near, so i went to sleep and put up the comic when i got back from school.  On tuesday of next week, the comic officially turns one year old,  so there will be a comemorative one year strip.  This means no comic next Monday. -- Dave
03/03/02 -- The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of Another Beginning
Well folks, this is it.  I can finally get out all those ideas and zany circumstances I found hard to work into a romantic comedy.  Rob and I have some great ideas coming nad one of them is a total overhaul of the site.  Don't tell me the site looks good now, cause it doesn't.  Rob will be taking care of that, so if you have any ideas mail him and share your two cents   But I can tell you one thing.  I'll have been doing this for exactly one year next Tuesday, and to tell you the truth...  I'm gonna miss the highschool, and all the jokes that there were to make about it.  The soccer team, the exams and the teachers...  but this will be more fun.  But it is sad to let it all go... I hope you have nejoyed the first "act" of A@TG and i hope you like the next one a whole bunch more. -- Dave
Rob's Rant of the Moment
“For I peered into the future, far as human eye could see, saw the vision of the world and all the wonder that would be…”And so it begins…  As our heroes enter this strange new world, we wonder, what will they encounter?  Action?  Adventure?  Romance?  Suspense?  Intrigue?  Comedy?  Drama?  Parody?  Satire?  Musicals?  Musical Comedies?  Lawyers?  Crazed sleep deprived webcomic writers?  Will Boris Rehak learn to curb his violent tendencies?  Will Alex Marchant stop taking pleasure in other people's pain?  Will Claire Rejean stop committing such blatant fashion infractions?  Will Andrei Ferdyshchenko find his one true love?  Will Doug Nakayama learn there's more to life than soccer?  Will Anne Tasta save the day?  Will Stuart Louros get a real personality?  Will Dalton Cartwright be smart enough to actually pull off this insane quest, reunite his friends and save all space-time from total annihilation?  And most important of all, what will happen to Dave Andrews and Robert Gaudio?  A cameo in their own comic?  A Pulitzer Prize?  An angry visit by the real Boris?  Only time, and money, will tell…
The answers to these and all other questions will be answered!  On Anime @ The Gates!  (Whenever Keenspace servers are working.) -- Rob
02/28/02 -- The Costs of Stuff
Attending school Model United Nations -- $12
Getting new Great Big Sea CD -- $20
Worth of the weight in gold of all the homework I've been getting -- $1,000,000,000
Amount I'd pay to get rid of all homework and play the computer games I just got for my birthday -- $1000,000,000
Amount I'd pay to go and beat Keenspace with a stick for never working properly -- $1,000,000,000
Getting a good, funny comic up in spite of all this -- Priceless.
There are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's A@TG.  Accepted all over the world, unless Dave and I are too stressed to remember to update.  Sorry for all the delays lately, and come a week from now, things should finally settle down and return to a more regular schedule.  Later all.
-- Rob
Today is FANART by DIANA.  It's Claire,  all the fanart i get seems to be of Claire...  When Rob does news/rant he also bicks the quote,  I hope you all like Great Big Sea ;-)
-- Dave
02/24/02 -- CANADA WINS! CANADA 5:2 U.S.A.
50 years in the waiting and finally..... Canada wins a gold in mens hockey.  Good grief i feel so relieved.  Jarome Iginla and Joe Sakic with two goals apiece.  Here's the comic, it was done a few days ago, but with hockey and stuff i was kinda distracted.  Sorry, but i felt the success of my country in a best-on-best hockey tournament was a little more important than the comic.
-- Dave
2/22/02 -- MMUN vs. Olympic Hockey. CANADA 7:2 BELARUS
Thus ends the first MMUN Assembly in a long time in which a Richview delegation was present.  Pat Wilkes, Dave Kalbun and Harris Switzman all deserve many thanks for helping me out with this grand undertaking.  But i would be sorely wrong not to thank our staff advisor, Mr. Johnstone for cutting class just to save our asses.  The event went rather smoothly, with A@TG's own Rob Gaudio winning Best Junior Delegate (personally i think my Best delegate award at TAMUNA is better, but...)  Anywho, the new comic will be up on Monday 4 sure.  Also, I met a bunch of people who were fans of A@TG so i'd also like to give a shoutout to them as well. And what rant would be complete without commending the Canadian womens hockey team who won Gold by beating America, yes america, by a score of 3-2.  Also to our mens hockey team who won by a score of 7-1 over Belarus.  Mad props to Sweden for letting Belarus into the Semis.
-- Dave
02|20|02  -- Servers: The Pain!  Oh, the Pain
Hey all!  It's Robert Gaudio!!  (The sounds of fanfare, people cheering and an odd rather loud sound halfway between a cough and the clearing of one's throat off in the distance.)  On behalf of Dave, myself and the rest of the AATG crew (a dust bunny and my pet printer "Inky") I would like to apologize for the lack of a comic the last week.  On top of Keenspace servers being extensively laggy and at times unresponsive and the fact that Dave and I are both getting ready for a model UN at our school, things are getting pretty hectic.  We're really really really sorry and we promise to make it up to you all.  Besides, it's all Dave's fault anyway.  So to reiterate: Me, Dave and Inky sorry.  Keenspace crappy.  Busy with Model UN.  Really sorry.  Dave, Idiot. Later all.
02/07/02  -- Of modems and misques
As you may or may not be aware, I have a horrible time keeping schedule.  i WAS going to have this be a three comic week  but my stupid freakin cable lines decided to have tree branches land on them.  so for next week it will definitely be MON WED FRI.  Also Rob was to be my writer, so i am making him go through arduous pains to actually get his name on comics, starting by having him re-design the site.  so if things suddenly look different, you'll know why.
01/17/02 -- Stupid Keenspace...
Sorry about the delay getting the comic up.  i finished it on time but keenspace was having some server preoblems so here it is now.
01/15/02 -- Snagged
Sorry guys, i've hit a bit of a snag in the storyline, i'll have a new comic up on thursday and again on friday if all goes well. and if you have any ideas for song lyrics, gimme an email. (hit the link at the top of the page that says "email")
01/07/02 -- Back to school, back to a schedule?
well im back at school.  this will give me something to base a schedule off of.  I'll make sure to get a comic up after every day i have a spare. that means this week is tuesday-thursday-saturday. due toexams coming up.. the schedule may become infrequent.
01/02/02 -- Crossroads
Hi.  I bet you are wonderiong "what the hell is going on with A@TG"  well here's the deal.  AS you may have noticed, the novelty of this has worn off.  so i am thinking of taking the comic in new directions.  Also Rob Gaudio wants to become the Largo to my Piro, or in other words, my writer for this new exploit.  Tho comic will be heading in strange new directions,  but the characters, and past occurences will still be needed to fully underestand what is happening.  This comic is the official new beginning of the sorta new A@TG.

MAY Jul 2002
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These comics are copywrite and so-forth by Dave Andrews, 2002.
This site is hosted by Keenpsace , a subsidiary of Keenspot .  An online haven for webcomics and their artists